8 Ways The Video Game Industry Will Completely Change In The Next 10 Years

7. Streaming Becomes The Go-To Method Of Playing Games

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gun

Nintendo remain the outlier in this scenario (personally I can't see them deviating away from tradition or doing their own thing - even the company's approach to microtransactions is through tiny collectible plastic figures).

However, a Netflix-esque streaming model potentially gives the most bang for the least buck. In an ideal world - which is the linchpin, as Sony certainly haven't eliminated lag on PS Now - we'd pick up a controller like any other TV remote and switch to a dedicated PlayStation/Xbox app.

Picking from an entire legacy catalogue of games for a monthly fee also makes consumer sense - especially if packages get split from console to console, era to era, or even genre by genre.

See, the industry isn't the biggest fan of physical products thanks to labour and manufacturing cost - not to mention the benefits of digital distribution giving you the most up to date/fixed version of a game. Had the Xbox One not fudged its launch quite so badly, this would've been the generation that introduced total digital domination to the mainstream.

Of course, that was before Sony chose to play the "for the fans" card, but don't think this future isn't inevitable.

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