8 Ways The Video Game Industry Will Completely Change In The Next 10 Years

4. Gameplay Will Triumph Over Graphics As A Major Selling Point

Rocket League Nintendo Switch

For the longest time, we didn't have photo-real graphics. Hell, you'd be lucky to accurately portray the human anatomy without it looking like a hunk of Lego bricks until post-1998.

As such, like even the earliest cave painters and artists, we've continually strived to replicate the human form in our medium of choice. We've seen developers and publishers chase facial animation, how to convey emotion, how to frame interactions with objects and real gravitas - essentially, how to capture Hollywood in digital form.

Well, as you might have already started to feel from the lacklustre cultural response to 4K tech, we've reached the tipping point. No more can we chase visuals as a marked selling point, and you need only look to the renaissance of pure gameplay from the likes of Rocket League, Overwatch and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds as three multi-million unit-shipping reasons why.

Gameplay is always what mattered, and as visuals won't be going backwards, we'll only see R&D put into designing the most innovative, original and impactful games possible.

After all, it's about time we focused on the "game" part of "video game".

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