8 Ways Video Games Make You A Better Person

Video games can make you a smarter, fitter, more well-rounded individual.

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Like any art form, video games can enrich your life beyond mere escapism or the momentary thrill of an awesome action sequence - they can genuinely help make you a better person.

Now, it's worth mentioning upfront that games of course aren't a pure substitute for therapy, eating well, or getting regular exercise, but for all of the traditional criticism games have received for rotting our brains and bodies, it's truly amazing what good they can actually do.

Sure, an excess of video games, like anything, can be harmful, but in moderation games can reveal huge positives for the way we live our lives, in turn bolstering our happiness and making us more productive members of society.

Given how video games are a part of daily life for so many, things simply wouldn't be the same without them, and as we're about to argue, you'd probably be a far less interesting, actualised, and well-rounded person if they weren't in your life.

And so, if anyone dares to question your interest in video games - a frankly odd line to draw in the enlightened year of our lord 2024 - here's how to firmly shut them down...

8. They Improve Physical & Mental Health

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Let's get perhaps the most obvious benefit of gaming out of the way first - despite their dated rep for turning us all into dopey couch potatoes, games can be tremendously advantageous for our physical and mental wellbeing.

The likes of Dance Dance Revolution, Just Dance, and Ring Fit Adventure have ingeniously gamified the very idea of fitness, while elsewhere doctors have reported using games to maintain their dexterity, the latter being vitally important as studies suggest smartphone swiping may have a detrimental effect on our hand mobility.

On the psychological side of the equation, puzzle games like Portal, The Witness, Brain Training, The Talos Principle, and so on can be enormously beneficial in helping hone players' problem-solving skills and overall mental acuity.

It's also been suggested that puzzle games can offer significant cognitive aids for the elderly, such as helping boost their recall and memory-storing abilities.

All in all, as part of an already healthy lifestyle, games can play a huge role in keeping your body firm and mind sharp.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.