8 Weirdest DOOM Enemies (And What They Represent)

4. Arachnotron

DOOM Mancubus

It's a giant spider with a big old brain attached. What's not to like?! Whilst the spider part isn't totally right since it doesn't actually have eight legs in any of its incarnations across the series, it's still one creepy looking horror show. Plus, the whole 'arachnid' deal ties nicely into scorpions too, which seems far more likely as an inspiration point looking at DOOM Eternal's placement of the cannon on top of its head like a big old stinging tail.

The name roughly means spider instrument; rather appropriate considering the manual entry from Doom II implies they have been created by the demons using cybernetics - a tool for their armies rather than something naturally occurring in hell.

Replacing spinning webs with wanton destruction, these versions of spiders mirror our own creepy-crawly friends in real life, that often grow brains so big they take up 80% of the space inside their body. In essence, though, these creatures seem pleased enough to mirror our natural fear of insects in their creation, an embodiment of spider-y beings made impossibly massive to terrify any Doom players that have even a shadow of fear in their hearts.

Impossible, I know. But hey, at least Doom gives you an option to absolutely savage the spiders you're definitely not afraid of, right? The ultimate glorious battle catharsis comes from killing bugs you don't have to feel guilty about afterwards.

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Doom Eternal
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.