8 Weirdest DOOM Enemies (And What They Represent)

1. Summoner

DOOM Mancubus

Perhaps one of the most distinctive enemies of DOOM (2016) is the Summoner, essentially functioning in the same way as the Archvile of games past. Taking the humanoid, emaciated body and spinning it with a whole new look, the Summoner boasts a fan-like head and decorative bony deposits over its fleshy body, giving it an all-round softer, more feminine look than the hulking wads of meat throughout the rest of the hordes of hell.

This was entirely intentional, with animator Kim Joon-Hyung describing how he took inspiration from middle age dresses from wealthy women - a symbol of the Summoner's higher status in hell.

The Summoner also bears resemblance to the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2, bringing in a touch of Guillermo del Toro to DOOM's world. The Angel of Death has the same fan-shaped bone structure on its head, and is also missing eyes - perhaps a reference to the iconic blindfold of Lady Justice.

If you think about it, the Summoner rebalances the battle (in the same way Lady Justice is associated with the scales) by bringing in new swathes of demons (akin to the sword she bears) so the poor hellspawn have a chance against the Doom Slayer's waves of destruction.

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