8 Worst Time Limit Sections In Video Games

3. Hope Cannot Save Them (Tier 3) - Star Wars Battlefront II

Sonic the Hedgehog Labyrinth Zone

The ultimate test among Star Wars Battlefront II's Arcade Mode challenges is the decidedly not-fun third tier of "Hope Cannot Save Them." 

Here you're tasked with killing 40 Rebel troopers in just 40 seconds - for any maths whizzes out there, that's wiping out one trooper per second.

The problem is that it's extremely tough to track down 40 enemies to kill within that timeframe, especially as they'll generally flee upon seeing you, and so it can take dozens of attempts to complete this challenge.

While you'd be smart to not open fire on any enemies until you've found a good collection of them to mow down - because the timer doesn't start until you begin shooting - it's still extremely tricky to figure out the right starting point. It didn't help that DICE patched the game's pathfinding AI months after release, making the mission even harder. 

Basically you need a dash of skill, a ton of luck, and a hefty side order of hope to get through this one.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.