8 Worst Time Limit Sections In Video Games

1. Save The Oracle - God Of War

Sonic the Hedgehog Labyrinth Zone

Mid-way through the original God of War, you're forced into a frustrating divergence from all the hack 'n' slash mayhem, as you're tasked with rescuing the Oracle of Athens, who has been attacked by Harpies and inexplicably left hanging from a rope.

You've got 67 seconds to navigate the environmental obstacle course and reach the Oracle, and while that might seem simple enough, the various hazards in your way - giant gears, climbable vines, and rope swings - ensure you need to make every second count.

You can save yourself a few precious seconds by jumping at every possible moment - because it's marginally quicker than running - but even so, you're unlikely to get through this with more than a couple of seconds to spare, and that's after failing numerous times.

Rather optimistically, Sony also included a trophy for the game's re-release for anyone dedicated enough to reach the Oracle with a stonking 10 second to spare. Not likely.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.