8 Worst Video Games Of 2022 (So Far)

5. Chocobo GP

chocobo gp
Square Enix

While Sega can barely allow the time and money to release a 2D Sonic worth playing, Square Enix are busy uprooting everything you think you know about Final Fantasy. FF7 Remake is now a multi-game spanning story comprising a remake of PSP title Crisis Core and mobile-only game Ever Crisis, and when Final Fantasy itself isn't having its first instalment reimagined as Dark Souls meets Five Finger Death Punch, it's getting a painfully assembled kart racer sequel, because why not.

Now, Chocobo GP's core gameplay is pretty tight and enjoyable. Its presentation is largely super colourful and inviting, and who doesn't want to unlock as chibi Cloud riding Fenrir with his massive Buster Sword?

No, it's in everything surrounding this idea where Squenix went to TOWN milking the fandom for all their worth. Like Final Fantasy: All The Bravest, sometimes a set of predatory microtransaction systems surrounding acquisition of characters and items just needs to be called out.

Chocobo GP was dead on arrival back in March thanks to twinning a triple-A price point with a mobile game feel, and though there have been a series of patches and apologies, this is an insulting followup to that 1999 original.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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