8 Worst Video Games Of 2022 (So Far)

3. Diablo Immortal

diablo immortal

With a Metacritic score that's only dropping each and every day, Blizzard's attempt to design a free-to-play Diablo that directly exploits its most longstanding fans resulted in the biggest backlash of the year so far.

Being in development for at least four years - its 2018 reveal resulting in the now-iconic "Is this a late April Fools joke?" meme from Blizzcon - Immortal's "final form" is riddled with some of the worst microtransactions in Blizzard and gaming history.

While you do get a "premium feeling Diablo for free", the reality is that every aspect of the game's endgame is monetised to hell and back. With timers and randomisation governing the best gear you'll need for high-level quests and especially PVP, it's clear Immortal is made to exploit the exact fandom that got the Diablo IP to where it is today.

Infuriatingly though... Blizzard's approach has paid dividends. Immortal has reported a staggering take of over $40 million in microtransactions, taking just over $1 million every day since launch.

An ugly, gross, unwanted example of mobile gaming practices meeting console or PC-quality gameplay, there's no doubt every developer under the sun will learn every money-focused lesson possible from this game.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.