8 WWE Video Game Moments That Were Flat Out Weird

7. The Ref Wins (Here Comes The Pain)

WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain Referee

Here Comes The Pain is often lauded as the best WWE video game ever. The gameplay was spot on, fusing arcade action with easy-to-master controls, and the included Career Mode was immersive to say the least. Oh, 2K, if only you could return the WWE series back to these glory days and ensure Earl Hebner gets to celebrate like Stone Cold again.

Wait, what?

Yes, it was possible for the referee to win matches in THQ's 2003 classic and scale each turnbuckle like he was Steve Austin in his prime. It's not even that hard to do; attack the ref with a Powerbomb, for example, and he'll reverse it into a sweet-looking DDT. Then, the bell will sound and another official will bizarrely raise the referee's hand as though he's the victor.

That's not all though, because the ref will then either stomp or verbally chastise the player's character and perform his own victory celebration. OK then.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.