9 Amazing Video Game Features You'll NEVER See In Anything Else

6. The Mass-Collecting Ball - Katamari Damacy

shadow of mordor nemesis system

The Katamari franchise is all about one elegantly simple idea - rolling the titular magical, ultra-adhesive ball around and collecting as many objects as humanly possible until the katamari becomes big enough to become a star. Yup.

That's such a brilliantly singular idea that you can't really blame Namco for wanting to patent it - unlike that whole loading screen mini-game debacle.

The filing also covers the more specific technical aspects of how objects attach to the katamari and it all maintains traction.

The patent was filed in September 2003, a few months before the game's release, and currently isn't set to expire until 2026, protecting the game's unique gameplay conceit from being co-opted by other developers.

Given that the franchise has basically averaged a new game release every year - a total of 18 since 2004 - you can reasonably expect that patent to get renewed five years from now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.