9 Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

7. City Of Heroes

City of Heroes
Cryptic Studios

MMOs are a precarious business. Not only is it ridiculously difficult to break into the market and become successful, but players are always living with the fear that the game they've invested so much of their time into could be switched off at a moment's notice, leaving all their progress and characters nothing more than a distant memory.

It's happened time and time again, as unlucky, struggling devs have been unable to support their games, but perhaps the biggest tragedy was City of Heroes. Before the likes of DC Universe Online would step in to deliver the dream of a superhero-based MMO, Cryptic Studios' title was filling that gap, delivering a pretty compelling comic-book world for players to lose themselves in.

It had a pretty good run as well, shipping in 2005 and ending seven years later in 2012. In its final moments, fans crowded together in the remaining servers to pay tribute to the game, before everything was disconnected and it was gone for good.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3