9 Awesome Video Game Moments That Didn’t Need To Happen
Let the developers give us that sweet extra sauce.

From Shepherd spinning around and stabbing Kai Leng in Mass Effect 3, Master Chief manually guiding a bomb into a covenant ship in Halo 2, to letting loose as the incredibly power Jedi Master Cere Junda in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – sometimes it's those standout moments that arguably could've been minimised for the sake of story, but you're so glad developers took the time to nail them.
In a modern gaming landscape, it is increasingly obvious that games are becoming more streamlined by cold corporate intervention. These sorts of moments or gameplay ideas feel increasingly rare, as it's hard for a developer to get any time for a single knockout scene.
But often it’s these moments which, when developers have been allowed to cook, end up being some of the best in a game.
Be them big or small, hilarious or serious, with this list we are looking at those exact standout moments which give us that sweet extra sauce.
9. The Dawn Will Come - Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition was an absolute return to form for the Dragon Age series and remains one of BioWare’s best outputs to date.
Moving away from the predetermined character of Hawke and the fixed location of Kirkwall in Dragon Age 2, Inquisition opened things us massively.
As our very own inquisitor character, we are tasked with exploring the truly beautiful Thedas to find and close rifts in the Veil as a result of the Breach – a tear between the physical world and world of demons and spirits known as the Fade.

Inquisition is filled with incredible moments of battling dragons, exploring new locations and getting to know your well-written companions. However, one particular noteworthy moment stands out towards the beginning of the game.
After successfully closing the breach above Haven, celebrations are cut short following an attack led by the ancient Darkspawn mage Corypheus and his dragon, who wipe out most of the village.
Solas then leads the survivors and your companions to the abandoned fortress of Skyhold, with all appearing to be lost after suffering such a heavy defeat.
However, the solemn mood begins to change as Mother Giselle sings The Dawn Will Come and one by one your companions and the Haven survivors join her in singing the Dragon Age theme.
This scene is beautiful as a moment of restoring the lost faith of everyone, reminding them that when times are hard and everything seems lost – the dawn will come.
This easily could have been a rousing speech from a character instead or simply implied in minor moments throughout the game, but the inclusion of this scene adds to the significant levels of nuance and emotional complexity within the game.
It is truly an epic moment of Inquisition and reminds you that your strength as the Inquisitor comes from working together with your team, which will ultimately lead you to triumph. And, if nothing else, it reminds us that when ‘the BioWare magic’ works, it is something truly special.