9 Awesome Video Games That Got ZERO Marketing
Underrated PS4, Xbox & Switch games you must play.

Ever take a step back and think about how you come to know about games? About how we used to all go off word of mouth and weekly magazine subscriptions, with the biggest titles paying their way to the front page?
An influx of broadband connections and smartphones upended that entire ecosystem, and now literally any project can be Kickstarted from code to gameplay. If a title is interesting and well planned enough, all it takes to dominate an entire Summer is one fun idea, like Fall Guys or Among Us.
"Marketing" in the traditional sense is almost completely out the window - like an entity occasionally dragged back in the room for considered speeches and release windows... that often get blown to smithereens after liberal amounts of crunch and managerial hiccups.
No, sometimes that old-fashioned word of mouth virality is all you need, and when one positive recommendation becomes two, ten, one hundred and so on, it means all that's left is to point you in the right direction.