9 Most Badass New Gaming Characters Of 2013

4. Trevor & Michael (Grand Theft Auto V)

Gta V Although personally I'm not a fan of Trevor Philips' motivations or overall character, he does have some standout moments that many have talked about since the games' release. The most instantly-memorable for me being the realisation that he was going to board a plane (already in mid-air) with another plane! That's besides a certain minigun-wielding bank-robbery where helicopters and police cruisers are riddled with hundreds of holes, and a certain character-save about three-quarters of the way into the game, by way of being a sniper rifle-toting overseer. Michael on the other hand is the gangster-turned-family-man-turned-gangster-again. His first example of acting out is accompanying other main character Franklin back to his place of work through crashing the car they're driving straight through the front window. That's besides emerging from the wreck, collecting himself and taking on the owner within the following few minutes in a fistfight.
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