9 Best 2021 Video Games You're Not Playing

2. Griftlands

griftlands game
Klei Entertainment

The newest title from Don't Starve, Shank and Mark of the Ninja devs, Klei Entertainment, it's great to see them steer completely out their comfort zone and put together an expansive, turn-based card battler.

Not only are you building a deck to govern which attacks and specials you can deploy in combat, but you'll do the same for conversations and arguments, too. With this mentality in mind, Klei have crafted this world of gunslingers, bounty hunters, aliens and everything in between, with maximum opportunity to branch narrative paths and which characters you end up working with.

Even your party makeup is based on how conversations and combat scenarios go, with a lot of checks and balances behind the scenes governing who'll come out on top.

Griftlands did go through a rocky development, ditching its initially more vast RPG aspirations in favour of what we have, but whether you're on PS5, Xbox or Switch, there's still a whole world to get lost in.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.