9 Best Video Games Nobody Bought - Commenter Edition
6: Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Trying to get an action-adventure hack and slash game to rise above the already well saturated genre in 2009 is already a feat but putting said game on the Wii certainly didn’t make things any easier.
Such was the case for Muramasa: The Demon Blade, created for the Wii by Vanillaware.
The game was a hit with critics who adored the beautiful art style, tight, fast-paced combat, and Japanese folklore-inspired storyline, ultimately scoring the game an 81/100 on Metacritic. Despite dazzling critics pretty much across the board, the game didn’t manage to knock it out of the park with sales in either Japan or North America. Though at the time the NPD Group reported that the game sold 35,000 units during its first month on sale and this sat within expectations, this would later be revised by the game’s publisher saying sales were low across Japan, North America, and Europe.
This was considered to be in large part due to the Wii falling out of vogue and the untraditional nature of the game which made it trickier to market.
Despite returning some less than impressive sales numbers, the game is beloved by its fans and even scored a re-release in 2013 for the PlayStation Vita called Muramasa Rebirth.