9 Divisive Video Game Levels You Either Love Or Hate
6. Freefall - GTA: San Andreas
GTA: San Andreas is divisive in itself, once you look back. The game that apexed Rockstar's foray into "whacky!" territory and saw Saints Row change its franchise identity over time, with Rockstar instead embracing seriousness with GTA IV.
In San Andreas though, fans have remained notably divided over its crazier, "anything goes" aspects. Things like acquiring a jetpack is either the coolest idea or it doesn't belong in this rags to riches tale.
The same goes for Freefall, a mission where CJ leaps from a biplane into a passenger cruiser, then we play in first-person - with dedicated buttons for leaning - as the rest of the mission plays out like Time Crisis.
San Andreas was every bit Rockstar throwing everything at the wall and stapling it there to stick. You either loved that approach and this third 3D instalment is a favourite, or it's where the dev team stretched things so far they snapped.