9 Dumb Coincidences In Video Games You Just Ignored

2. Rubbing Shoulders With Every Historical Figure Under The Sun - Assassin's Creed

Assassin's creed 3 declaration of independance

Being a historically-inspired series, you’d expect Assassin’s Creed to be akin to your high school history textbook, being chock-full of old bearded blokes from the annals of time. Yet, for the most part, the series has been pretty rubbish at working them in seamlessly.

How about when you bump into Benjamin Franklin on the street and become best buds with him, despite having made him lose pages of his almanac to the wind? Or when you did the exact same thing to Charles Dickens? And who could forget when you run into Charles Darwin, who just happens to be blowing up the same factory as you? Yes, he was a famous for being a pyrotechnic, but the exact same building, in all of London?!

Instead of feeling like a natural unfolding of events, it feels more like the world is catering to our main characters. Dickens and Franklin had their own lives, and jamming them into the games feels like putting the wrong pieces of a puzzle together. As did Connor popping up at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in Assassin's Creed III.

Thing is, Ubisoft has proved they can do it right. Characters like Blackbeard and Leonardo DaVinci were tied perfectly in with the story, and fitted into the world. They felt more like living breathing characters from history, rather than being relegated to clumsy cameos for the sake of an elbow nudge and a raised eyebrow.

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Uncharted 4
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.