9 Fan Theories That Totally Change 2016's Best Video Games

2. There's A Reason Agent 47 Looks Different In HITMAN

hitman agent 47
IO Interactive

Were you one of the many hardcore fans that took an instant dislike to the 'younger' version of 47 we saw emerge alongside IO Interactive's reboot of the franchise?

Well, fear not, because if this theory is true, the 'real' 47 is still out there... somewhere.

Said theory states that after the events of Blood Money when way more serviceable clones were suddenly part of the canon, the end of Absolution sees the 'real' 47 go into retirement. Providence - the top-tier secret company pulling all the strings - have previously acquired 47's DNA, and begin recruiting the newly-cloned 47 that we see and play as in 2016's release.

By that token, this new 'version' is younger, with the initialisation he's given at the beginning of the game being less a flashback, and more a test to see if he can use 47's skills. The theory ends by assuming that at some point in HITMAN's second season of episodes, we may eventually be asked to track down the real Agent, which would make for one hell of a showdown.

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Uncharted 4
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