9 Full Video Games You Can Unlock Inside Other Games

7. Sonic The Hedgehog (Inside Sonic Generations)

sonic the hedgehog

Remaining one of the only good Sonic games after the initial 2D run - shout-outs to Sonic Unleashed and of course, Sonic Mania - you could tell Sega genuinely believed in Generations, as even before launch they were saying you'd be able to play the original title in full, as an unlockable.

Why is this notable? Well, for the longest time, the original Sonic the Hedgehog remained the gold standard. It's what no other game in the franchise had been able to beat when it comes to mainstream conversation, and this felt like Sega comparing how far they'd come, paying tribute and inviting comparison to an all-time great they otherwise couldn't escape.

Would you end up spending more time playing the original once it was unlocked, or could Sonic Generations tear you away?

Either way, once you unlocked the Sega Genesis controller from the shop, take it to the in-game console and you can decide for yourself.

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