9 Genuinely Haunted Video Games You Won't Believe

4. Pokemon Red/Blue - Lavender Town Syndrome

Zelda Redeads
Adrien Dittrick

It was bad enough when a Pokemon episode about Porygon reportedly gave hundreds of kids seizures, though the show had never been responsible for any suicides. But what about the games?

Surely the games that have inspired joy and sold millions in equal amounts wouldn't drive anyone to kill themselves, would they?

The story goes that upon the release of Pokemon Red & Green in Japan, back in 1996, everything was fine until players hit Lavender Town. Supposedly the music was of such a frequency that it was driving kids aged 7-12 to commit suicide in droves.

A bit like those anti-delinquent frequencies they put outside supermarkets, but y'know, worse.

The curious similarity is all the deaths were [allegedly] by height or hanging, or if not suicidal, children were reportedly having severe headaches.

To possibly give some legitimacy, the music has since been changed to something a bit more accessible.

Is that culpability, or covering up something more sinister? You be the judge...

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.