9 Hidden Video Game Enemies You Weren't Supposed To See

7. The Smoke Monster - Just Cause 2

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Eidos Interactive

Remember Lost? Remember when that was the biggest pop culture thing around? Well, if you're a video game fan then you absolutely will, because even if you didn't watch the show you were inundated with references to it in all the biggest releases from the late 2000s.

Just Cause 2 is just one of many big budget games from that era which boasts a reference to the smash hit TV show, and in this case it's specifically the series' "smoke monster" that made viewers so intrigued across the earliest seasons.

The reference to that creature here though is kinda... rudimentary. In fact it's almost like the developers slapped it together in five minutes and then forgot all about it.

At a certain point on the map you'll find a random enemy that's followed by a billowing trail of smoke who can't be killed with conventional weapons, but can be grappled to death. Upon finding him, the dude will just follow you around, with him, his smoke machine and his cheap Halloween costume haunting you.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3