9 Ideas To Help Address Sexism In Gaming

7. Debate, Not Argument

girlhatesgame-600x300 One of the reasons why I think this issue has come up so much recently is that it really stirs up emotions in people. I think it is incredibly encouraging that people are talking about it on both sides of the divide, and it is an entirely healthy discussion to be having in and amongst ourselves. However, where I feel we fall down sometimes is that too often the discussion stops being a discussion and quickly becomes an argument. We should be talking about this as it is the only way we will come up with creative experimentation to try and offer better experiences based around women characters. However, as there are clearly opposing sides to this argument and as with everything on the internet, it becomes a petty argument about entitlement, censorship and political correctness. But there is nothing to be had from such heated conversation. Both sides end up arguing past each other and no one is ever heard. Understanding the concerns of both side without resorting to name calling and either offering a considered response and/or compromise is how the community solves this issue. Ignoring the divide of opinions in the community is ridiculous because there clearly is one. However, drawing a line in the sand and putting a wedge between both sides is also not going to make the discussion go away. Only by listening and considering what each side has to say, do we get to an agreeable place where art can thrive.
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.