9 Major Worries We Have About 2019's Biggest Video Games
6. Has Control Already Missed The Mark For Remedy?
The first two Max Payne games were immaculate because of their self-aware indulgence in film noir tropes, perfectly twinned with balletic, slow-motion gunplay and a main character that was endlessly quotable.
This led to Alan Wake, a still-kinda-fun-to-play shooter with a horror edge that made a satisfying enough debut, only for Xbox-exclusive Quantum Break to fall flat on its face when the Xbox One's TV functionality was rejected by the mainstream, leaving half that game's framework to be ultimately discarded.
Now we've got Control, the next game from Remedy with a different publisher, but it retains the developer's reticence to play to their strengths. A far cry from the filmic noir trappings of Max Payne or the stylish atmosphere of Alan Wake, Control is a telekinetic object-flinger like Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy or Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
This of course sounds phenomenal in theory, but so did Quantum Break. As Remedy seem to write their best work when they have a solid sense of juxtaposition to the madness therein, having a whole game be focused on time-warps and MC Escher level designs could miss the mark yet again.