9 Most Annoying Enemies In Video Game History

4. Clickers - The Last Of Us

last of us
Naughty Dog

They might offer a fresh take on the zombie enemy design, but that doesn't make The Last of Us' Clickers any less annoying.

It's not just that they're ugly, although with those faces, you could hardly blame me if that was my only reason. Fortunately the best approach is to stay as far from them as possible, but they're also a blind enemy, forcing you to take a painstakingly stealthy approach, only to kill you in one hit if they catch you.

Talk about your scary noises too - the second a click bounces off the walls, you just know you're about to say goodbye to a good portion of your neck.


Emma Boyle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.