9 Most Annoying Enemies In Video Game History

1. Medusa Heads - Castlevania

last of us

The Medusa Heads from the Castlevania series are almost indescribably irritating, and the fact that they've managed to appear in so many of the titles only serves to add fuel to my frustration fire.

"But they move in such a predictable pattern!" I don't care. When there are several of them floating across the screen at once just try not to be annoyed.

It's also the way the original version of this enemy doesn't even seem particularly bothered by your presence. You're just 'there'.

Like a pedestrian that moves towards you, hellbent on not stepping to the side for anyone, the Medusa Heads float along their planned route and 'oh, look', you got in the way.

Even worse are the gold Medusas with the power of petrification. It's not often there's more than one version of an enemy and all of them find a new way to annoy you.


What are your most annoying game enemies and battles of all time? Let us know in the comments!


Emma Boyle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.