9 Most Disappointing Video Game Finales

8. The 3rd Birthday - Parasite Eve

the third birthday game
Square Enix

A slightly deeper cut now, but one that features no better ending than anything else on this list, we have HexaDrive’s The 3rd Birthday, published by Square Enix.

The 2010 shooter is the third game in the cult favourite Parasite Eve series and was generally well received, topping the PSP charts in North America, and gaining praise for its nuanced and unique gameplay elements, as well as its environments and score, and visuals. Though many found the plot twists to be intriguing, it all gets a little too bizarre by the game’s conclusion. Counter Twisted Investigation agent Aya Brea is trying to stop the Eve who intends to destroy humanity. In the threequel she battles her way through the game’s grunts and utilises the Overdrive System to manipulate time.

Long convoluted story short, the game drops you into a finale riddled with logic flaws and plot holes and, worse yet, one that forces your protagonist to be shot in order to save the world.

Again, like so many times on this list, this essentially happens because of “reasons.” We don’t get closure on who the bad guys really are or what their motives may be, there’s wildly convoluted body swapping which retcons story points and betrays your character development, and sense has long since left the building.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.