9 Most Discussed Video Game Plot Holes That Will Never Be Answered
4. Ethan's Convenient Blackouts In Heavy Rain
Like all good crime stories, Heavy Rain keeps the identity of its Origami Killer a secret right until the very end, spending the rest of the game dropping hints and red herrings to make sure players don't figure out the twist too early.
Unfortunately, that means that a lot of the logic surrounding these red herrings doesn't make sense when you actually know who the killer is.
But the most egregious attempt to trick the player is easily the convenient plot device that sees one of the suspects, Ethan, blackout at the same time the Origami Killer strikes. Waking up later with incriminating evidence on his person, these sections set Ethan up as a murderer who isn't in control of his own actions.
Obviously the character isn't revealed as the killer in the end, and while the blackouts themselves are easily explained as being caused by stress, it's never revealed why they always happened around the time of a crime, or why Ethan always woke up covered in incriminating evidence.