9 Most Disgusting Things Video Games Forced You To Do

8. Mutilate Yourself, Or Abandon Your Son? - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain Finger
Quantic Dream

Wannabe narrative mastermind David Cage has stumbled quite spectacular with most of his games, but the one that's both actually satisfying narratively and tonally consistent is Heavy Rain, the tale of a father, Ethan, trying to get his kidnapped son back from the mysterious Origami Killer. Cut to the third 'trial' the killer puts Ethan through, and he must prove his devotion to the cause by severing a part of his finger.

The catch, is you've only got a certain amount of time, the killer's watching through a camera, and you're in an abandoned apartment building with a smattering of random objects. As you can guess, it all gets pretty gruesome from here on out. Your options include burning an iron rebar so it can melt the flesh away, picking up a pair of scissors, some pliers, an assortment of rusty knives, and much more.

The game does give you the option to walk out, but in doing so you've condemned yourself to an early credits sequence and doomed poor Shaun ("SHAAUUUN") to a slow, death-by-rainwater drowning. Better get to it.

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