9 Most Inventive Kills In Gaming

2. Dead Space - Fighting The Necromorphs

Rsz Ds2How parents feel when kids won't stop asking for money.

Make no mistake, Dead Space was an inventive horror series before its escapade into the actioney TPS game (that I still like). The biggest part of the horror were the enemies. A necrotic virus that turns its host into a mutated zombie with a simple impulse keeping it "alive" - kill everything, then turn everything into more Necromorph. Since these creatures aren't living anymore, there's no killing them via conventional means.

While the third game allows you to easily tear up the Necros with a regular assault rifle, the first game wasn't nearly as forgiving. There was only one real weapon in the game, whereas all others were mining and engineering tools. Luckily, it was these tools that gave Isaac the edge he needed to survive onboar the Ishimura mining vessel.

See, the only real way to deal with a Necromorph is to chop away all of its limbs. Since the weapons were designed to cut things accurately with plasma, the player was forced to constantly invent new and interesting ways of dealing with the threats. With plasma.

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.