9 Most Sadistic Evil Playthroughs In Gaming

Give in to the Dark Urge.

baldurs gate 3 dark urge
Larian Studios

It’s good to be bad. Too long have we suffered under the consequences of not being a sweetie pie, friend to all, and endlessly self-sacrificing pillar of the community in video games. Sometimes you need to let off steam, or in the case of these games, let off a chernobyl-grade explosion. 

Well, if you wanted to do that to the absolute extreme then these playthroughs would be for you, though, be warned, these aren’t your average Dark Side Jedi, anti-hero, or morally grey playthroughs. Most of them are downright despicable, housing antics that would probably get them thrown into the brig of refused classification titles if the people who made those decisions knew just how nasty they let players get.

Fun fact, Australia didn’t have an R18+ rating for games until 2013 so anything that didn’t make it into the M category couldn’t be sold or imported into the country. Which is interesting given that in the 1800s we played host to 160,000 criminals from the UK. Irony.

We’re skipping over some classics bad guy playthroughs this time around like Tyranny, Fallout, Dwarf Fortress, and Prototype but there’s plenty of deeply disturbing content from here on out so suspend your moral sensibilities and get ready to repeat “it’s okay, it’s just a game”, it’s about to get really messed up.

9. Fable 3

baldurs gate 3 dark urge
Lionhead Studios

When you mess with the bull you get the horns, and similarly when you act like an unhinged maniacal villain in Fable 3 you also get the horns. 

Fable 3 is a game that’s particularly effective and not just letting you do naughty things but also making you feel like the embodiment of evil who is having an impact on the world around you just by being your naturally despicable self. You get real ugly, people run away from you, probably because you keep murdering them, you quite literally eat live baby chicks, and you end up as a despot who establishes child labour and implements totalitarian measures like demanding exorbitant taxes and exploiting the locals for their goods. The other Fable games also have their wild moments of letting you go all out evil so this entry stands in for the whole series.

Each game lets you properly embody a moustache twirling cartoon supervillain and in this case, you are bad and you are drawn that way.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.