9 Most Sadistic Evil Playthroughs In Gaming

6. Baldur’s Gate 3

baldurs gate 3 dark urge
Larian Studios

Modders saw a lot of opportunities to positively tweak their experience in Elder Scrolls games. Among the classics of graphical upgrades and streamlining UI, they also took it upon themselves to address what must have been a drastic oversight during the game’s development where the team decided you couldn’t be able to kill kids.

Fortunately, history didn’t repeat itself when Larian made Baldur’s Gate 3 because kids are back on the menu. That reference doesn’t work, you can’t eat them, but you sure can kill them. The goblin ones, anyway.

There are some conflicting accounts on how intentionally or accidentally killing the goblin little ones made people feel. Some were guilt-wracked while others, like me, were like “my last save was too long ago and those kids were annoying anyway.” Evil in Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t begin and end with pedicide, though.

I swear the word is actually pedicide, I looked it up.

The most story-centric playthrough assuming you don’t choose one of the premade characters is that of the Dark Urge, a person consumed with the urge to kill whose desire to take lives was driven just by the love of the game. The murder game. You’re also big into Bhaal, the god of murder, and this is just the beginning of the playthrough. If you want to surrender and go full sadistic serial killer you absolutely can, dragging your companions down with you, murdering people in cold blood, helping the bad people enslave, maim, and otherwise terrorise decent people and elevate nasty ones. 

While playing Dark Urge gives you access to disturbing nighttime antics, uber violent dialogue, and thoughts of brutally maiming your nearest and dearest, not to worry as you can still be a homicidal maniac as any character. 

Said maniacal activities include but are not limited to: kicking a squirrel, massacring a marginalised group of people, hijacking people’s thoughts and making them do stuff, brainwashing a gnoll to cannibalise his friends and then himself, throwing people, throwing children, throwing people at children, throwing children at other children, and so on.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.