9 Multiplayer Characters Who BROKE Their Video Games

5. Gon - Tekken 3

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Yes, it's another fighting game, but so few genres are the perfect nexus of NEEDING game balance for every input, while encouraging multiplayer competition.

Another hitbox menace, the hilarious addition of Gon into Tekken 3 certainly gave us a memory for life, but going up against anyone who could use his moveset was a recipe for rage-quitting.

Like the original Timesplitters 2 monkey of his day, Gon's hitboxes made him a nightmare to hit, and his presence as a character was insanely powerful, thanks to being based on a popular manga of the 90s.

There were distance-closing charges, spinning attacks while jumping, super easy chain-punches and kicks. Gon even had access to King's ground grapples, to keep the punishment on after you'd hit the ground.

In short, Gon was a great laugh to embody, but the single scourge of local multiplayer; a character put on the "CANNOT USE" list if you were making some house rules.

Oh and yes, he could fart you to death, just to rub it in.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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