9 Once-Beloved Video Game Developers That Fell From Grace

1. Bioware

Mass Effect Andromeda

For a time, Bioware sat mightily alongside Bethesda as the twin-prongs of western RPG game design.

Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire and of course, Mass Effect - all landed with critical reverence and ginormous sales figures, going on to become many peoples' childhood, teen and adult favourites in tow. Truly, the Bioware of old was that potent mix of personnel and great project management, ensuring hit after hit.

Then they were bought by EA.

The merger actually happened in 2007, and though I've already covered how EA's own decision to start mainlining an action focus bled through into the studios they were financing, this culminated with Mass Effect 3's broken, "Just add DLC" ending, seeing a number of key Bioware staffers flee in what was most likely a pretty turbulent time behind the scenes.

Still, the team carried on, though you need only look to Dragon Age: Inquisition's broken pacing and Mass Effect Andromeda's broken... everything, to see a studio that's a shell of its former self.

With any luck Anthem will bring brighter days, because right now - and with the news of Mass Effect's cancellation confirming our worst fears - this is not how Bioware are supposed to be.

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