9 Overpowered Weapons That RUINED Multiplayer Games

3. Midas SMG- The Division

The Division

The Division, in a lot of ways, was very much a first attempt and proof of concept that mixing MMO structures into a regular third-person shooter game could work, and as a result it had a whole bunch of teething problems at launch.

While these mostly bordered on being funny (for instance the single-file queue players had to form to get past the first level), there was also unsurprisingly a game breaking weapon in the mix as well.

The legendary Midas SMG was a late game pickup that high level players quickly found they could abuse in the title's PVP Dark Zone areas. Though on the surface the gun wasn't too powerful - with a regular fire rate and damage output - it did have one ace up its sleeve in the form of an increased cool down to abilities that came with every critical hit.

This led to high level players dominating, spamming their powerful special abilities on weaker players and then mopping up with a gun that, even on its own terms, was pretty damn reliable anyway.

It was quite quickly nerfed, but not fast enough.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3