9 Overpowered Weapons That RUINED Multiplayer Games

4. Smart Pistol - Titanfall

titanfall 2

You'll notice when it comes to overpowered weapons, the main offenders are usually pistols or shotguns. The same is true with Titanfall, whose smart pistol became the bane of players' lives in the first game. This wasn't because of the usual defects though. It was no mismatch in damage output or fire rate that made this gun completely broken, it was an in-built feature that spiralled way out of control.

That's because this wasn't just any other pistol, and the reason it had that 'smart' label was because it was imbued with an A.I. system that would lock onto targets and fire away without the need for a silly thing like "aiming".

The regular version of the weapon already had too few drawbacks, with it taking little skill to rack up kills with. However, it became even worse when players found ways to abuse the lock on, making it instantaneous in some cases, giving other players no time to react or counter.

It was taken out of the regular loadouts in Titanfall 2, and whisperings of it returning to Apex Legends always send shivers down the spines of players.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3