9 Phenomenal Video Games That Cost Absolutely Nothing

9. The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Elder scrolls legends

It took almost a year's worth of testing, tinkering and virtual deck shuffling to get there, but Bethesda's CCG set in the high fantasy Elder Scrolls universe finally made it out of beta just a few weeks back, bringing with it a handful of nifty new ideas that set it apart from the rest.

Discarding the established rulebook in favor of carving out its own unique identity, Legends divides the standard two sides of the playable board (one each for you and your opponent), into four segments, all of which play off each other in perfect harmony.

Slap a card down on the left, for example, and it'll be able to trade blows with anything directly opposite, whereas those dealt in the second lane are blanketed in a veil of shadow, granting them immunity to direct damage the turn they're played. The result of its two-tone nature makes any given match often feel like a war of attrition (in a good way) to see who can wrestle control of both sides away from their opponent first.

Replete with similarly excellent sound design - fizzling fire magic and the resounding clang of metal upon metal - to that of its open world brother, Legends effortlessly meets the same high level of quality expected of a game adorned with a price tag.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.