9 Reasons Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Better Than GTA 5

2. A Far More Varied World Map

Red Dead Redemption 2

Not to take anything away from the genuinely mind-boggling recreation of a digital metropolis, but you can boil GTA V down to two distinct biomes: The main city, and the northern "outback".

Yes, there are water refineries, dockyards and even further north, a big ol' mountain range, but look to Red Dead and you've got those same mountains (now snow-topped), a huge variety of farms and fields, townships, homesteads, swampland, camps and everything in between.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Likely coming from RDR2 being in development for longer than GTA V (and the limitations put upon a crime-centric open world game involving cars), Red Dead just has more variety and character on a per square mile basis.

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