9 Reasons Resident Evil 7 Is 2017's First Must-Have Game

1. The Return Of The King

Resident Evil 7 Gun

From forcing you to tackle hordes of enemies with the barest amount of bullets, to the thousands of background noises that'll forever make you second guess if an enemy is about to leap on you from behind, above or around a corner, if there's one takeaway from all of this, it's that Resident Evil is back.

It really can't be understated how satisfying it is to see Capcom take the series away from the ludicrously action-focussed direction both RE5 and 6 went in, restoring that quintessential, "I don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive" sensation that both first instalments had in spades.

Whacky puzzle elements are also back in force, with basic doors coming complete with multiple animal ornaments to collect to unlock, or giant three-foot latches slipping into place with a mechanical thud.

Capcom knew what they were doing by only really showing off the first couple of hours of gameplay, as everything thereafter is both a love letter to the Resident Evils of days gone by, and a pleasant surprise to those of us that thought it was going to be a cheap P.T.-style cash-in.


How have you found Resident Evil 7 overall? Let us know in the comments!

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