9 Reasons Why The Nintendo Wii U Was A Commercial Flop

1. The Zelda Delay

nintendo Wii u

It could have been the must-have, killer title that made Wii U units fly from the shelves, but after multiple delays, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will come as too little, too late for Nintendo’s current-gen system.

Due to launch on the Wii U and NX simultaneously in 2017, the latest instalment in the epic fantasy saga is the first entry in the series to be developed in high definition and Link’s first open-world outing. Combine those elements with the winning Zelda formula and we’re sure to be onto a winner.

An all-new Zelda game was first announced for the Wii U back in 2013 and if it had arrived on the market at the right time, it could have done for the console what the all-time classic Ocarina of Time did for the N64.

Nintendo’s line-up of first-party games was as magnificent as ever, with company mascot Mario heading up some modern greats and the likes of Starfox and Splatoon proving there’s more on offer than spring-heeled plumbers - but some assistance from Link could have worked wonders in those critical early years.


What do you make of the Wii U's life-cycle, now it's winding to a close? Let us know in the comments!


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