9 Reasons You're WRONG About Resident Evil 6

2. Mercenaries Is Awesome

Resident Evil 6

For a long time, Mercenaries was the unsung hero of the Resident Evil franchise. A side mode introduced in the fourth game, what started out as a quirky little distraction eventually became one of the the series' surprisingly biggest draws.

Essentially just a timed survival mode, Mercenaries allowed the core mechanics to shine in a constant flow of action that the regular single-player mode simply couldn't support. It offered pure mechanical fun without any pretences, and was a way to indulge in the satisfying gameplay in a more arcadey arena.

Resident Evil 6, however, might have the best version of the mode to date. Fans might not have liked the title's story, but the gameplay itself isn't brought down by this element, and Mercenaries offered a setting for players to enjoy it without the fear of being disappointed by the narrative.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3