9 Recent Hilarious Voice Acting Fails In Video Games
5. JAY-son - Heavy Rain Remastered
Technically this one came out in 2010 but the remaster came out in 2016 introducing a whole new generation to ‘Press X to Jason’ and the joys of a largely European cast doing their best American accents.
Expect a lot of the word ‘origami’ being pronounced wrong, a dad on a desperate hunt for his kidnapped son who sounds pretty bored about it most of the time, and plenty of gameplay mechanics doing in any attempts from the actors to deliver better performances when you have the ability to make your characters say one name 50 times in a row with only 4 recorded variations.
Any Shauns or Jasons who grew up when this game’s memes were spreading like wildfire can tell you it was a bad time.
Among my favourites are the wildly harsh way Norman Jayden introduces himself in a quasi-Bostonian accent, a drowning Shaun who comes off like he’s just super over it, and literally any take where you catch yourself wondering if that was really the best they could get. The biggest consolation is this game is as good as its voice acting is wildly inconsistent. I’d still recommend it.