9 Secret Video Game Areas You Weren't Meant To Find (Commenter's Edition)

7. The Ultra Captain - Destiny

Destiny game

Okay, this is so cool, I wish more developers did it intentionally.

The "Ultra Captain" in Destiny refers to one of the many Captains you face in the game's DLC, but this particular Captain was also cut from the base game... only to be left out of bounds in the world itself.

To access - and thanks to Tomas Fernandes for this one - you'll need to head to Earth and patrol the Cosmodrome, as here you can reach a specific locked door.

Though it's clearly just part of the wall texture, summoning a Sparrow vehicle will warp you straight through the wall and into no man's land.

Existing like Matthew McCaughney in Interstellar's finale, you're free to leap around the various area meshes that make up the level you're supposed to be on, until you drop back into a more fully-formed room.

Here you'll come across the "Ultra Captain", surrounded by many of his subordinates.

Though not a massively hard fight, the method of locating him makes the duel extra special. Just imagine a ton of MMO or action game bosses that required this level of ingenuity to track down.

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