9 Terrible Video Games With AWESOME Stories

2. Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend
Double Fine

Possibly the most disappointed I've ever been by a game, ever, Brutal Legend was advertised as God of War by way of 70s and 80s metal album covers. However the result was a wretched real-time strategy, done through an over-shoulder camera with terrible controls.

Unique, innovative and still finding its audience with those who could look past such deceptive advertising, the vast majority of us were put off altogether.

And that's a shame, because everything outside of playing these large-scale battles is exemplary. Ozzy Osbourne, Lemmy Kilmister and Rob Halford all play prominent roles, with Ozzy hanging out underneath the world itself, offering upgrades to your Druid Blow hotrod while swearing and insulting Jack Black's Eddie Riggs.

From every second of cutscene to each spoken word, the narrative of a modern day roadie being thrust into a world where all his favourite heavy metal tropes are real is beyond perfect for anyone into metal itself.

Going back today - which you can do on Xbox One through backwards compatibility - Brutal Legend does shine phenomenally bright in its opening hour or so, then takes a nosedive into one giant risk that ultimately didn't pay off.

Every single Lemmy scene though? Bliss.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.