9 Things We Learned From Red Dead Redemption 2's Leaked Map

6. Caravan Camps = Outposts

red dead map camp

Look to the legend in the top left of the leak and you'll notice a couple of entries on 'caravan camps', as well as 'enemy outposts' being flagged as points of interest.

Now, Rockstar are always ones to innovate rather than replicate, but they can't have missed just how influential Ubisoft's map design has been with the Far Cry or Assassin's Creed series. Dotting your game world with outposts to take over and encampments to clear out is just plain fun, and although RDR had this already in a few areas you could take back by force, they weren't marked on your map until you'd either stumbled into them, or bought another map that revealed all.

Now it appears we'll get a good look at which places we can visit to indulge in a good bit of side-activity shooting - which considering Red Dead's gunplay was so much fun, will be excellent.

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