9 Times Video Games Tricked You Into Becoming The Villain

2. Crackdown

Crackdown 1
Realtime Worlds

Before superhero games were actually good, Crackdown attempted to take all the tropes of that genre and let players live them out in all their virtual glory, with an added heap of guns and cool vehicles for extra measure.

All throughout the game you play as a super sci-fi cop, taking out criminal gangs wreaking havoc across the city in order to make the streets safe. Of course, along the way you also collect a whole bunch of floating orbs because this is a video game, which serve to level up your character, make them stronger, allow them to jump higher and unlock even swankier versions of your vehicles.

However, while you're indulging in being a super badass by the time the game's final stages roll around - squashing criminals under your boot and throwing cars around like they're made out of cardboard - the game retroactively sours all that fun with a final twist.

Because, once you've killed the mob bosses, it's revealed the organisation you work for is the true evil, and even funded the criminals in order to perpetuate strong-armed violence on the streets.

Skills for kills, Agent. Skills for kills.

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Dark Souls
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3