9 Unexpected Video Games That Will Blow You Away In 2020

7. The Red Lantern

Red Lantern

The reveal trailer for The Red Lantern is narrated by a woman who considers herself up until that point, a failure. In order to achieve greatness, and a purpose in life, she decided to ‘do something completely different.’

Her new purpose is shown on her To Do List: get dogs, get sled, go to Alaska, finish Iditarod mushing race.

The gameplay is a first person dog-racing simulator, where the player has to duck obstacles day and night and in all weather conditions typical to Alaska (so, lots of snow basically). However, on the sled in front of the player is a clip of bullets, and the trailer comes to an end when the musher is attacked by a grizzly bear.

The Red Lantern, due for a 2020 release on Switch, appears to be driven by its compelling narrative. Let's hope the gameplay aspects are equally as compelling.

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Red Lantern
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I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.