9 Unsatisfying Video Game Plot Twists (And How To Fix Them)

1. The Crucible Is A Child A.I. With A 'Reset Universe' Button - Mass Effect 3

"It's just an A.I." might be the video game equivalent of "It was all a dream", especially after Mass Effect 3 sadly wrote itself into the history books underneath the header, 'Most Disappointing Thing Ever'. Besides its graphical downgrade and weirdly-paced plot though, the real knockout, Fatality-style kicker came from the realisation that an ancient weapon the entire galaxy was gambling on to stop the Reapers... was an A.I. program with a child's voice. It was like approaching the end of all things, and realising a young Anakin Skywalker held all the cards. Truly, truly awful. How to fix it: Bioware would release retroactive DLC to pad this out, but that's still missing the point. Mass Effect was all about the journey, not the destination. We'd forged a few handfuls of friendships over hundreds of hours, and in ME 3 particularly, had united the galaxy under one cause; "Put aside your prejudices and unite to beat this larger threat." Everything was building up to seeing armies of Krogans storming sky-high Reapers, Turians manning their custom cannons and the Quarian's Migrant Fleet showing they could get stuck in and play to win. The end of Mass Effect 3 simply needed to see the entire galaxy unite to blast the Reapers to Kingdom Come with a planet-sized gun, as the groundwork behind any emotional resonance was already in place through your past actions. What naff plot twists would you fix, and how? Let us know in the comments, and join the Facebook for regular content updates!
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