9 Unusual Ways To Restore Health In Gaming

6. Lady In The Red Dress - Zelda II

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was an all around bizarre experience. In particular, the strange NPCs which inhabit towns have some of the most unusual, outlandish and unhelpful dialogue to ever be published in a video game. The game featured three ways to heal, you could either level up, catch a fairy or visit a 'red lady', of which there are several in each town. Link would approach a red lady, be invited inside for a brief moment behind doors as his red bar slowly filled to full, then out would pop Link as healthy as can be. While it's not exactly clear whether there's something explicit going on here, it's the element of mystery that makes the red lady a topic of discussion, even now. It's very easy to imply that the red lady is providing Link with a sexual favor given the fact it takes place behind doors, but she's definitely not a prostitute as there's not actually any currency involved in the transaction, unless she's just throwing the hero a freebie. It's possible the act in question is just one of kindness and the red lady is simply dressing Link's injuries, but in that case, this could have taken place outside thereby preventing any sexual speculation. It could also be implied that the red colour of her dress is possibly a reference to the red light district, again hinting at prostitution. Either way, we'll never know the truth behind the red lady, but that's what makes her so interesting as one of gaming's most unsettling methods of healing.
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.